Sensual shapes

Tuscany is about curves and light, not surprising that this place inspired masters of renaissance. Every bit of this last one outline each hills you see until the horizon in the most peculiar game of light and shadows you could experience. Each morning and evening is a show that you'll never want it to end...
Podere belvedere surely is the most iconic picture of Tuscany. It does'nt mean that you should not take one. Getting there early in the morning, sourrounded by silence and waiting for the sun to rise is a powerfull experience. The sky is taking multiple shading of red until the first ray of lights pierce the horizon enlighting top of hills. The mist adds a special atmosphere that make the scene magic. With its help, you can follow the sun rays all along their way until they caress the spines of cypress with their soft and warm light.
Just after the sunrise, swallows fligh as a swarm everywhere in the sky.
What a beautifull, full of poesy, morning i've spent. It will stay engraved in my heart for a long time.
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