Photography and Poetry
I've been involved a lot when I was part of 500px membership to compliment pictures with words. And is there any other way to give more depth to a picture than having a good story attached.
I've tried to write some poetry myself (There) but I'm far from being good when it comes to marry the words between them.
I've been blessed enought to meet the great Louis Celot this year and talking with him about my project to write poetry based on the pictures I take he showed a lot of enthousiasm.
It has been a pleasure to discuss with this beautiful mind full of creativity and I was very impressed with the results. Louis has written the best words my pictures can be joined to.
I very much looking foreward to do more collaboration with him,.. until then, Enjoy :

"Poor in Varanasi
Everyday bathed in gold
We’re wealthier thousandfold
Than kings of tales untold
Though bent as if too old
In our river holy
We see Eternity
Poor in Varanasi" - Louis Celot
And for french speakers :

"Soleil sur le palais
Mumtaz Mahal, ma seule amante, Effroyable beauté qui hante Mon âme et ma chair, seul amour De mon cœur trop fragile et lourd Eclaté dans les flots sanglants De mille phosphores criants Qui tous tour à tour me dévorent ; Qu’importent tous mes vains remords Quand, blotti dans ton sein vermeil Qui n’est à nul autre pareil, Toute ma douleur disparaît Dans une fumée d’or. Tu es Mon seul Taj et ma poésie, Mon Empire, ma mélancolie, Parfum enivrant et fragrance Suave, ma passion intense, Ma lumière, ma nuit enfin ! Qu’emportent tes yeux enfantins Les futiles chagrins diurnes, Ô seule volupté nocturne ! Et le secret de tout mon mal, Tu le portes dans tes regards, Dans ton charme sublime et rare, Mon seul désir - Mumtaz Mahal ! " - Louis Celot
Un grand merci à Louis pour ce texte magnifique qui donne beaucoup de profondeur à cette image.